Associazione Baldanza – Dances from around the world


Baldanza is an association that brings together people who, since 1987, have loved, practiced and transmitted folk dances, both Occitan and French, learned directly in our valleys, as well as national and international dances learned in workshops in Italy and abroad.

Folk dancing is an activity that has seen a significant increase in the number of people of all ages in Turin over the years, who have enthusiastically “taken up dancing” by participating in the various initiatives (courses, workshops, events) offered. The reasons are easily understandable when one considers that this type of dance is a popular expression, a choreographic movement that has roots in human history, a collective practice that magically unites participants in an engaging and joyful reunion.

Through its project, the association promotes the rediscovery and dissemination of that popular culture that is being lost in Italy, particularly in cities, and believes that keeping alive the interest in popular traditions through their rediscovery can contribute to reconnecting with our roots.

Maria Baffert: dance
Chiara Gorzegno: dance


Pillole di danza: Danze dal mondo [Topportzer Kreutz polka - Austria Maggie mixer - Inghilterra]Martedi / 19:45 / Palco 2
Pillole di danza: Danze dal mondo [Erva Cidreira - Portogallo O Regadinho - Portogallo]Mercoledi / 19:45 / Palco 4
Pillole di danza: Danze dal mondo [Ingerlitiss - Lettonia Siwi Golabeczek - Polonia]Giovedi / 19:45 / Palco 4
Pillole di danza: Danze dal mondo [Red Carpet Waltz - Canada]Venerdi / 19:45 / Palco 2
Pillole di danza: Danze dal mondo [Topportzer Kreutz polka - Austria Maggie mixer - Inghilterra]Martedi / 19:45 / Palco 2
Pillole di danza: Danze dal mondo [Erva Cidreira - Portogallo O Regadinho - Portogallo]Mercoledi / 19:45 / Palco 4
Pillole di danza: Danze dal mondo [Ingerlitiss - Lettonia Siwi Golabeczek - Polonia]Giovedi / 19:45 / Palco 4
Pillole di danza: Danze dal mondo [Red Carpet Waltz - Canada]Venerdi / 19:45 / Palco 2