novelty 2024

Monday: if you arrive on Monday you will find great surprises: entry to the Festival from 11.00am instead of 2.30pm. Possibility to access the refreshment area already for lunch. Starting with the activities already in the afternoon: a concert, a dance pill, singing around the table, ensemble music workshop. Participation fee including evening concerts €15.

Refreshment area: starting this year, no more cafeteria at GBT, but a new, completely reorganized Dining Area with an on-site kitchen and always fresh food! You will be able to take every course or just what you want, paying only for what you take!

What is the Gran Bal Trad

The Festival

Gran Bal Trad is a festival dedicated to traditional dance and music, born out of a desire to bring together different ways of expressing dance and music. It aims to offer participants a varied picture and the greatest number of examples of the various cultures found in Europe and in all regions of our Italy.

The 2024 edition of the Gran Bal Trad was held from Monday 8 July to Saturday 13 July. Thank you all!
Edition 2024

The Artists 2024

Edition 2024

Artists and activities 2024

Edition 2024

Detailed programme 2024

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