Questions and answers


Booking, participation fees, bank wire transfers, reception
– Do we have to pay the entire enrollment fee in advance?
– No, you only need to pay a 20€ membership fee. You pay the balance upon arrival at the Festival.

– I live in Switzerland/USA/Moldavia and the commissions on international wire transfers are very expensive. Are there other ways I can pay for membership fee?
– You can also pay by PayPal or Credit Card (see the online booking page).

– I executed an online booking, I pay 20 €, but I have not received a confirmation from you. Was my enrollment received?
– As soon as we receive notification of the payment we will send you a confirmation email. If you do not receive this email, please check in your spam folder or contact us.

– We are a couple/group of friends. Can we make a single bank wire transfer to save on commissions?
– Certainly. Follow the online booking procedure. There is the possibility to combine enrollments and pay for them all with a single payment.

– We are a couple. Do we need to complete two booking forms?
– Yes, complete a form for each.

– Does “deadline” mean the date by which one must complete online booking, or payment?
– By “deadline,” means the date by which online registration is carried out. Your online booking is considered “suspended” until payment is received. Our automatic system sets a deadline of 5 days from the time of booking. If payment is not received by the deadline, the enrollment is cancelled.

– I arrive on Monday and stay the whole period. Do I have to pay for the evening?
– Yes. Monday evening is to be paid for. The cost of the evening includes the activities that will take place in the afternoon: a concert, a conference, two instrument workshops. On Monday the entrances will open at 11:00.

– Is the Friday evening party included in the Saturday workshop fee, or must it be paid separately?
– It must be paid separately, as each day ticket includes the workshops and the party for that day.

– Does the enrollment fee include the price of a camping site?
– The use of the campsite is free for members of the workshops. For those who want to use the campsite, participating only in the evenings, a contribution of 20 Euros is required for the duration of the Festival. All the users of the camping will be given a tag that must be displayed in a visible way in the camper or on the tent.

– Can I make a subscription for the evenings only?
– No, you must pay evenings one at a time.

– Can I pay at the entrance with credit card or bancomat/debit card?
– Yes you can, but keep in mind that sometimes there may be problems. The poor internet connection in the area does not always make it viable to use the POS.

Sleeping in the reserved camping area

– Can we arrive one or more days before the opening of the Festival and camp at the site?
– No. By municipal ordinance, access to the Festival is allowed only from 06:00 on Monday 8 July.

– I arrive on Monday and stay the whole period, do I have to pay for the evening?
– Yes. Monday evening is to be paid for. The cost of the evening includes the activities that will take place in the afternoon: a concert, a dance pill, a conference, singing around the table, ensemble music workshops. Entrances will open at 11am on Monday.

– We are coming only one evening and wish to dance until dawn, sleep on site and leave the next morning. Can we stay in the camping area?
– The use of the campsite is free for members of the workshops. For those who want to use the campsite, participating only in the evenings, a contribution of 20 is required for the duration of the Festival. All the users of the camping will be given a tag that must be displayed in a visible way in the camper or on the tent.

– I want to sleep in my car. May I park in the camping area?
– Vehicles are not permitted in the camping area. You may use the area reserved for caravans.

– I don’t wish to camp. What other options are available?
– See the following page: ‘THE PLACE / Accomodation.

– Is it possible to remain in the camping area Saturday night and leave Sunday morning?
– Certainly. Many Festival participants will do the same.

– I will come by train and thus have problems with luggage. Would it be possible for you to find a tent for me?
– Refer to the section: rental tents.

– Can I light a fire in the camping area?
– Because of the state of maximum danger for forest fires within the natural park, to turn on any type of fire. It is also forbidden to use camping stoves or gas cartridges.

– Can I hook up electrical current to my tent/caravan/camper trailer?
– No. We do not have those facilities.

– Can I park my car beside my tent?
– No. Cars may enter the camping area only for the minimum time necessary to load and unload baggage. At all other times, they must remain in the parking area.

– May I play my instrument in the camping area?
– No. In order to assure a peaceful stay for all, it is prohibited at all times (24 hours/day) to play instruments in the camping area. However, the Festival grounds are vast. You can easily find many isolated, tranquil and suggestive spots for making music without disturbing those who wish to sleep during the daytime (e.g., small children, older adults, late-night party-goers, etc.)

– Can I pitch my tent in areas other than those designated for camping?
– No. In Italy, free camping is forbidden and the Festival has authorization for camping only in the designated areas.

– What do the meals served on site consist of?
– Lunch and dinner: inside the completely reorganized refreshment area, it will be possible to take every course or just what you want and you only pay for what you take. Hours: Lunch from 12:30 to 14:30, dinner from 19:30 to 21:30. Menus for celiacs available. Bar service at discounted prices.

– Is it already possible to have lunch on Monday?
– Yes, on Mondays the refreshment area opens at 12:30. However, you have to buy the tokens at the cash desk located near the bar.

– Is there a vegetarian menu?
– Yes, there is a menu for vegetarians.

– I’m celiac. Can I use your cafeteria service?
– Yes, there is a menu for celiacs. The meal must be booked the day before at the telephone number that will be reported in the refreshment area. The meal will be delivered in a special gazebo.

– Is breakfast served?
– The bar serves warm beverages, croissants and other pastries at prices below what you would normally pay at a local bar.

– I’m allergic to latex. Can I use your refreshment area?
– Yes, the volunteers employed at the Gran Bal Trad refreshment area use hypoallergenic vinyl or nitrile gloves.

Children and Youth
– I have small children. Are the festival site and facilities suitable for them?
– Children are welcome! We have a free supervised children activities service during the hours of the workshops. The festival grounds are in the midst of a wooded nature preserve where there is no vehicular traffic.

– I have a sweet, gentle dog/cat/hamster/goldfish that has never harmed anyone? Can I bring him/her?
– No: it is not allowed to bring animals into the festival facilities.

Dance workshops

– Must I choose at the moment of booking the workshops in which I wish to participate?
– Only musical workshops must be chosen at booking. This is because the music teachers accept a limited number of students. For the dance workshops, you just need to show up at the designated pavilion at the time indicated on the program.

– I noticed that some of the workshops repeat. Are the programs always the same, so that one can participate in more things, or does the program vary from day to day?
– Normally, the teachers change the program from workshop to workshop. And none of the workshops are modular. So even if you miss one, you can still participate in subsequent meetings, as they will feature different material.

– May I film the workshops?
– No, at least not without the permission of the instructor, who will tell you when and if you may do so.

Music workshops
– I am a beginner. Can I participate?
– Read the program pages, where the levels of the ‘not for beginners’ workshop are indicated.

– I would like to participate in two music workshops: hurdy-gurdy and diatonic accordeon. Must I pay the 5 Euro supplement twice?
– Yes. Participation in each music workshop entails payment of a 5 Euro supplemental contribution. If you wish to join an additional workshop (same instrument, different instrument, different teacher), you must pay an additional 5 Euro supplement.

– I don’t understand how the music workshops work. Are two lessons being held by the same instructor the same? Does one continue the other?
– The music workshop programs are at the discretion of each instructor. In addition, the music workshops are reserved for Festival participants. In other words, those who wish to participate in a workshop must have purchased an admission ticket valid for the day in which the workshop is held. For the music workshops, we ask a supplemental contribution of 5 Euros for each workshop. The reservation can be made directly at Vialfrè.

Transportation for arrival, and transportation on the festival grounds
– I’m coming by car. How do I find my way to the Festival?
– We have placed signs along the route, starting from the Scarmagno exit of the A5. Refer to the ‘THE PLACE / How to Reach Us’ page of this website.

– Can I reach Vialfrè by train? Can you provide me the timetable?
– Refer to the ‘THE PLACE / How to Reach Us’ page of this website.

– Is there public transportation service to/from the Festival? If I don’t have a car, how can I get there?
– Refer to the ‘THE PLACE / How to Reach Us’ page of this website.

Practical questions
– Where is the nearest pharmacy?
– In San Martino Canavese, just before you turn left on the way to Vialfrè. Closed Saturdays.

– I’ve hurt/cut/scratched myself. Do you have a bandage or first aid kit?
– At the reception center there is a first aid kit with bandages, disinfectants and ointments for wounds and insect stings/bites. We do not have medicines.

– Is there emergency medical service?
– During the day and in the evening the Red Cross will provide health support with a location in the area. During the night, from 3:00 to 10:00, for any emergency the telephone number 118 must be contacted.

– May I offer items for sale at the Festival?
– Yes, but only materials relevant to the theme of the Festival (music CDs, instruments, etc.). And it is necessary to contact the organization ahead of time.

– May I smoke in the pavilions?
– No. Smoking is permitted only in the open areas. Suitable ashtrays are positioned outside the pavilions and throughout the Festival grounds.

– May I bring a bicycle?
– Certainly. We are in a protected nature area which offers endless possibilities for bicycle excursions.

Thank you in advance for following these small suggestions.

– Notify the welcome desk or any festival volunteer staff member (recognizable by their name tags marked “Organizzazione”) of malfunctions, damage or dangerous situations.

– Mosquito repellant is available for sale at the welcome desk and the cash register.

– Please bring unattended personal items to the welcome desk.

– Do not park cars next to tents. Doing so block space needed for other tents. Ample parking is available near the pond.

– Each person inside the stage area, must have a Gran Bal Trad bracelet on her wrist. The bracelet must be shown at the entrance control.

– For safety reasons and to ensure the serenity of all festival participants, it is not allowed to bring animals into the Festival facilities.

– Who decides to extend his presence at the Festival must pays the additional days depending on whether he enrolled by 24/06 or directly at Vialfrè. Example: a person enrolled for 2 days who has already paid 90 or 110 € (depending on when he did his enrollment) and decides later to enroll for a third day, has to pay additional 50 € or 60 €.

– If you wish to sleep in your car, please park it in the area reserved for caravans (“camper”).

– Because of the state of maximum danger for forest fires, a municipal resolution prohibits, within the natural park, to turn on any type of fire. It is also forbidden to use camping stoves or gas cartridges.

– In the gazebo near the welcome desk and in the bar area, electrical outlets are available for charging video cameras and mobile phones. The area is not guarded.

– Remember not to leave values in your bags or backpacks.

– Please do not play musical instruments in the camping area. The Festival area is enormous. You can easily find many lovely spots where you can practice without disturbing those who wish to sleep.

– At the end of the evening concerts, which is not yet tired and wants to continue to play and dance, you can do it acoustically in Hall n° 4.

– Waiting times for showers can be long. Please shower as quickly as possible to shorten the waiting time for others.

– Please DO NOT place bags and rucksacks on the stages.

– If you must leave in the morning, you may camp and use the showers placed in front of the festival entrance. For organizational reasons, no one is admitted to the festival area without paying the day’s admission.

– If you have complaints or suggestions, please tell us. We are always seeking to improve the Festival experience for future editions.

Make your enrollment to the Festival, find out the fee

Enroll to the Festival