Chacho Marchelli – Song around the table: Piedmont repertoire


Vincenzo “Chacho” Marchelli, born in 1946, has always been passionate about traditional songs, tunes and festivals.
In 1987 he became actively involved in traditional Piedmontese music with the group Tre Martelli with whom he performs at the main traditional music festivals in Italy and in Europe. He expanded his experience also participating in several theater performances always linked to traditional music, not only from Piedmont, around Europe.

Since the birth of the new Ariondassa group in 2003, and for 10 years, he has established contacts and collaborations with various realities of traditional music around Europe and the United States.
In 2003, he joined the new group Ariondassa, with whom he performed for about ten years and collaborated with various traditional music groups in Europe and the United States.

Currently he continues to perform with Tre Martelli, cultivates his passion for tango with Bellow Strings, and collaborates with the Gambarina Ethnographic Museum in Alessandria on educational courses about oral musical traditions.

At the Gran Bal Trad he is the animator of SINGING AROUND THE TABLE for the Piedmontese repertoire. You can download the song lyrics HERE.

Canto attorno al tavolo: Canto attorno al tavoloSabato / 14:00 / Area ristorazione
Canto attorno al tavolo: Canto attorno al tavoloSabato / 14:00 / Area ristorazione