Duo Peron Ferrero – Northern Italy: Occitania


Silvio Peron and Gabriele Ferrero are possibly the two closest musicians to the Occitan Valleys traditional players. They have performed at the “Baìo di Sampeyre” (one of the most important and ancient traditional festivals in the Italian Alps) as well as on stages on both sides of the Alps. Additionally, they have also taught in workshops and workshops where they have introduced a new generation of players to the techniques of violin and accordion.

Silvio and Gabriele, having achieved enviable harmony, represent the most advanced point of a music school that places itself in a line of continuity with the roots of Occitan culture. Their approach is undoubtedly not static, but aims to renew from within, combining rigor and creativity, the repertoire and expressive modes of a tradition that, thanks in part because of them, is now flourishing.

Gabriele Ferrero: violin, mandolin, vocals
Silvio Peron: accordion, vocals

Concerti serali: Nord Italia: Valli OccitaneVenerdi / 01:30 / Palco 3
Sabato / 23:45 / Palco 2
Concerti serali: Nord Italia: Valli OccitaneVenerdi / 01:30 / Palco 3
Sabato / 23:45 / Palco 2