Facia d’tola big band – Bal folk


To survive for 30/40 years in the world of folk, singing at fairs, markets, being a storyteller and a singer, you need a lot of nerve.

The ‘Facia d’tola’ truly deserves this name. Four musicians who have walked the paths of Piedmontese traditional music for years with European recognition and skills.

Here they are at the Grand Bal Folk with their joy, with their experience full of songs and dancing melodies to rediscover Piedmont and make you relive old but never dormant exciting sensations.

Vincenzo “Chacho” Marchelli: vocals
Rinaldo “Genio” Doro: diatonic accordion
Luciano “Ciano” Conforti: hurdy-gurdy, clarinet, bagpipes
Bernardo “Brisco” Beisso: guitar, vocals”

Concerti serali: Bal folkSabato / 22:00 / Palco 2
Concerti serali: Bal folkSabato / 22:00 / Palco 2