Flora Sarzotti and Mario Proietto – Swedish dances


The Swedish dance lessons that will be held in Vialfré are an opportunity for all dancers, both beginners and those with more experience, to immerse themselves in the magical Swedish “polske” with their particular and bewitching rhythms … All couples dance lovers they will find their space to learn a polska for the first time or continue and deepen.

The program is articulated through a path that goes from more familiar rhythms in Bal folk, such as those of the waltz or Scottish, proposed in the Scandinavian style, to the polske of central-southern Sweden with lively and effervescent rhythms.

Atelier di danza: SveziaVenerdi / 10:30 / Palco 3
Sabato / 17:30 / Palco 1
Atelier di danza: Contraddanze inglesiMartedi / 10:30 / Palco 4
Mercoledi / 10:30 / Palco 4
Atelier di danza: SveziaVenerdi / 10:30 / Palco 3
Sabato / 17:30 / Palco 1
Atelier di danza: Contraddanze inglesiMartedi / 10:30 / Palco 4
Mercoledi / 10:30 / Palco 4