I suonatori della Valle del Savena – North Italy: Emilia


“I suonatori della Valle del Savena” is a name created in the 1970s to showcase the traditional musical culture of the valleys around Bologna to city audiences.

The original formation included Melchiade Benni (violin), Ariodante Minarini (tuba bass), Primo Panzacchi (accordion), and Bruno Zanella (guitar). From this initial moment, the group continued its activity, incorporating new generations of musicians with different visions but with the common intention of carrying on the tradition of the “staccato” dance and the mountain “liscio” always present in the Bolognese Apennines and in particular in the Savena Valley, alongside the “historical” members Bruno Zanella (guitar, present practically from the beginning) and Placida Staro (violin and singing, since 1985).

A group that brings together three generations of traditional musicians on stage; they play by ear the repertoire of ancient dances along with the “liscio” dance elaborated through the experiences of more modern orchestras.

Today the repertoire of the Suonatori della Valle del Savena consists of about three hundred dances from the Val di Savena, Val di Setta, and Valle del Reno like “ruggeri,” “gighe,” “manfrine”, “bergamaschi,” and “salterelli” in two different styles.

Elisa Lorenzini: violin, dance
Placida Staro: violin, dance
Carolina Conventi: violin
Luana Bassi: violin
Simone Pasqui: clarinet
Davide Dobrilla: accordion
Franco Benni: guitar
Gabriele Roda: double bass
Ricardo Tomba: drums, cajón

Website: http://www.ebenevengamaggio.it

Atelier di danza: Nord Italia: EmiliaGiovedi / 15:00 / Palco 3
Venerdi / 17:30 / Palco 2
Atelier di canto: Canto - repertorio EmiliaGiovedi / 10:30 / Gazebo 3
Sabato / 15:00 / Gazebo 3
Concerti serali: Nord Italia: EmiliaGiovedi / 23:45 / Palco 2
Sabato / 01:30 / Palco 1
Atelier di danza: Nord Italia: EmiliaGiovedi / 15:00 / Palco 3
Venerdi / 17:30 / Palco 2
Atelier di canto: Canto - repertorio EmiliaGiovedi / 10:30 / Gazebo 3
Sabato / 15:00 / Gazebo 3
Concerti serali: Nord Italia: EmiliaGiovedi / 23:45 / Palco 2
Sabato / 01:30 / Palco 1