Quatrad Omeostatic Trio


The three musicians of this formation since the beginning of the millennium have shared various musical projects (Balbalord, Quinta Rua, Tribot) that have led them to perform throughout Italy and several countries in Europe. Their music consists of songs and traditional tunes from Piedmont and various regions of France and Celtic countries, creating lively, festive, and engaging folk animations and dances… without much fuss.

Gabriele Gunella: hurdy-gurdy, vocals
Massimo Losito: chromatic accordion, vocals
Lorenzo Prealoni: flutes and bagpipes, vocals

Website: https://www.facebook.com/quatrad/

Concerti serali: Bal folkMercoledi / 22:00 / Palco 1
Concerti serali: Bal folkMercoledi / 22:00 / Palco 1