Terra Battuta – Sud Italia: Pizzica Pizzica


The musical ensemble was born from the artistic encounter of three musicians and interpreters of the Salento musical tradition, Giacomo Filippo Casciaro, Biagio Mele, Giuseppe Anglano, with the dancer Veronica Calati.

A blend of styles and interpretations of the Salento folk music, capable of lively entertainment, highlighting the backgrounds of each individual artist arise.

Folk music is seen as a tool for dancing, healing, and dreaming, bringing together anyone who feels the need to be part of a “family” that passes down a millennia-old history like that of Salento music, primarily guided by the ancestral sound of the tamburello accompanied by string and reed instruments. 

The rhythm the pizzica pizzica can synchronize the heartbeats: those of dancers, those of musicians and those of the earth.

Veronica Calati: dance
Giacomo Filippo
Casciaro: vocals, guitar, mandolin, and winds
Biagio Mele: vocals and drums
Giuseppe Anglano: vocals, accordions

Website: https://www.facebook.com/terrabattutaconversano/

Atelier di danza: Sud Italia: Pizzica salentinaMercoledi / 10:30 / Palco 2
Giovedi / 15:00 / Palco 2
Atelier musicali: Tamburo a corniceMartedi / 17:30 / Gazebo 4
Mercoledi / 15:00 / Gazebo 4
Concerti serali: Sud Italia: PizzicaMartedi / 23:45 / Palco 2
Giovedi / 23:45 / Palco 3
Atelier di danza: Sud Italia: Pizzica salentinaMercoledi / 10:30 / Palco 2
Giovedi / 15:00 / Palco 2
Atelier musicali: Tamburo a corniceMartedi / 17:30 / Gazebo 4
Mercoledi / 15:00 / Gazebo 4
Concerti serali: Sud Italia: PizzicaMartedi / 23:45 / Palco 2
Giovedi / 23:45 / Palco 3