Controcanto – Sweden and Bal Folk


Controcanto is a musical group that has been present on the Piedmontese music scene for several years, with a proposal specifically dedicated to the bal folk.
The instrumental repertoire is vast and articulated, centered on Occitan music on both sides of the Alps, but with various forays into Sweden, Brittany, the Basque Country, Scandinavia, and Eastern Europe.
The approach to the re-proposal of these songs is spontaneous and generous, as true lovers of dance and the relationship of exchange and mutual enrichment that is created with the dancers.

Ernesto Voena: accordions
Anna Loccisano: percussion
Giulio Manzone: accordion, clarinet, bagpipe
Giulia Tomasi: violin
Angelo Girardi: bass
Marco Gajon: guitar
Luigi Mingoni: flute


Atelier di danza: SveziaVenerdi / 10:30 / Palco 3
Sabato / 17:30 / Palco 1
Concerti serali: SveziaVenerdi / 22:00 / Palco 3
Sabato / 23:45 / Palco 3
Concerti serali: Bal folkMercoledi / 23:45 / Palco 1
Atelier di danza: SveziaVenerdi / 10:30 / Palco 3
Sabato / 17:30 / Palco 1
Concerti serali: SveziaVenerdi / 22:00 / Palco 3
Sabato / 23:45 / Palco 3
Concerti serali: Bal folkMercoledi / 23:45 / Palco 1