Denis Mercader – Auvergne


Trained in dance and its pedagogy within the Compagnie de Danse Populaire Française, Denis Mercader later specialized in the repertoire of Massif Central bourrées with a preference for the style danced in Aubrac that echoes his origins.

He is dedicated to translating the particular style of bourrées, danced in Aubrac and within the Auvergnats community in Paris, originating from the documentation collected and restored in the 20th century.

The workshops he offers in Vialfrè aim to understand and practically embrace the choreographies and style of Aubrac dancers to enrich their own interpretation of the bourrée.

Atelier di danza: AuvergneMartedi / 10:30 / Palco 1
Mercoledi / 17:30 / Palco 1
Concerti serali: AuvergneLunedi / 23:45 / Palco 1
Mercoledi / 22:00 / Palco 2
Atelier di danza: AuvergneMartedi / 10:30 / Palco 1
Mercoledi / 17:30 / Palco 1
Concerti serali: AuvergneLunedi / 23:45 / Palco 1
Mercoledi / 22:00 / Palco 2