Flora Sarzotti – English Country dances


Since 1983, Flora Sarzotti has been practicing Italian Occitan dances and subsequently conducting field research, coming into contact with various experts such as G. Boschero (Val Varaita), M. Durando (Val Chisone).

This research culminates in her Anthropology thesis (assigned by Prof. F. Remotti), entitled “Traditional Dances in the Occitan Valleys of Piedmont”. It is a long work that draws on Flora’s studies over the years, both gradually expanding the boundaries of her research to the choreographic repertoires of Italy and Northwestern Europe (France, Ireland, Sweden…) and focusing her interest on the history of dance in Europe, from the Renaissance to the present day.

This wide-ranging research, both spatially and temporally, has made it possible to place the panorama of Occitan dances in a much broader context, with the result of arriving at a more comprehensive evaluation of the object of study, never before achieved by others, from which a publication should soon emerge.

Website: http://www.florasarzotti.it/

Contraddanze inglesiMartedì / 10:30 / Palco 4
Contraddanze inglesiMercoledì / 10:30 / Palco 4
Contraddanze inglesiMartedì / 10:30 / Palco 4
Contraddanze inglesiMercoledì / 10:30 / Palco 4