Jan Peire dë Bousquìer – Occitanie Italienne


Jan Peire dë Bousquìer (Gianpiero Boschero, 1950) is a retired lawyer who lives in San Maurizio di Frassino (Piedmont, Italy). Since 1968, he has been involved in the preservation of Occitan culture. 

He was part of the commission of Escolo dóu Po that, in 1971-73, developed the rules for the standardized spelling of Occitan in Italy. 

He is the president of the association Lou Soulestrei and editor of the magazine Lou Temp Nouvel. 

He was one of the first researchers of the Occitan culture in the Val Varaita, with particular focus on historical, linguistic, musical, and ethnographic aspects. He systematically collected traditional dances of the Val Varaita and since 1970 has been promoting their revitalization.


Atelier di danza: Nord Italia: Val VaraitaSabato / 15:00 / Palco 1
Conferenze e dibattiti: Jouan Bernardi: fisarmonicista della Val Varaita CONFERENZASabato / 17:30 / Palco 3
Atelier di danza: Nord Italia: Val VaraitaSabato / 15:00 / Palco 1
Conferenze e dibattiti: Jouan Bernardi: fisarmonicista della Val Varaita CONFERENZASabato / 17:30 / Palco 3