Joachim Montbord – Gascony


Joachim Montbord is a Gascony musician and dancer for several years now, who sings the melodies of his land, and likes to set poets and traditional texts from the South-West of France to music.  

You maybe know him from the bands Man Encantada or La Base Duo, but he also likes to travel around Europe to perform solo as a one man band with his gascon repertoire and instruments.

Joachim sings old texts from Bordeaux, his hometown, and likes to rearrange traditional music as well as singing his own compositions. The main themes of the songs are love and witchcraft.

Joachim Montbord: vocals, mandola, percussions, boha

Atelier di danza: Occitania: danze cantateSabato / 17:30 / Palco 2
Concerti serali: GuascognaSabato / 22:00 / Palco 1
Atelier di danza: Occitania: danze cantateSabato / 17:30 / Palco 2
Concerti serali: GuascognaSabato / 22:00 / Palco 1