Maison Girault – Brittany


A family duo from Nantes that sets the dance floors on fire with their a cappella singing.

Sylvain Girault, master of high Brittany dance singing, with his warm voice and virtuosity in Katé-Mé and “Sylvain GirO,” brings along his young son Marius. Marius has been immersed in Brittany culture since childhood and is a member of young fest-noz formations, specializing in singing and wooden flute. 

From high Brittany traditional dances (e.g. hanter dro, ridées, tour, bals e ronds paludiers, rond de Saint-Vincent, pilés, ronds de Loudéac…) to couple dances, they present a Francophone repertoire that is both original – written and composed by Sylvain – and popular songs from the oral tradition of high Brittany. The lyrics are light, surreal, mischievous, and slightly rebellious… Sung and smiling words in service to collective dance.

Sylvain Girault, vocals
Marius Girault, vocals

Atelier di danza: BretagnaMercoledi / 15:00 / Palco 4
Venerdi / 10:30 / Palco 1
Concerti serali: BretagnaMercoledi / 23:45 / Palco 2
Venerdi / 23:45 / Palco 2
Atelier di danza: BretagnaMercoledi / 15:00 / Palco 4
Venerdi / 10:30 / Palco 1
Concerti serali: BretagnaMercoledi / 23:45 / Palco 2
Venerdi / 23:45 / Palco 2