Marisa Dogliotti and Silvio Peron – Northern Italy: Val Vermenagna


Marisa Dogliotti lives in Robilante in the Val Vermenagna where she teaches local Occitan traditional dances. She has been teached also in various editions of the Gran Bal of Europe in Gennetines and the Gran Bal Trad in Vialfré (TO) as well as in Provence and Dauphiné (Nice, Valbonne, Grasse, Embrun, Peipin, La Tour du Pen). She was invited by the Occitan Conservatory, in Toulouse in Gascony. She worked on Val Varaita dances with Jan Peire de Bousquìer. She has particularly deepened her analysis and teaching of Val Vermenagna dances.

Silvio Peron, accordeonist from Robilante (Cuneo), has been involved in Occitan music for over forty years, both in terms of tradition and its revisitation and new composition. His journey began with his early experiences in the 80s with La Sourcino and in the first acoustic version of Lou Dalfin. His artistic maturity came with his work in the groups Senhal and Compagnons Roulants. With the Provençal singer Jan-Marì Carlotti Gabriele Ferrero, he founded the Mount Joia group. Furthermore, he has been involved in traditional dance activities since the beginning, with hundreds of evenings to his credit, especially in duet with Gabriele Ferrero, with whom he has played for several editions in the Baìo of the Rore fraction of Sampeyre, a millennial festival that takes place every 5 years.


Atelier di danza: Nord Italia: Val VermenagnaMercoledi / 17:30 / Palco 2
Giovedi / 17:30 / Palco 3
Atelier di danza: Nord Italia: Val VermenagnaMercoledi / 17:30 / Palco 2
Giovedi / 17:30 / Palco 3