LA SENTINELLA del canavese 04/03/2024

LA SENTINELLA del canavese 04/03/2024

Gran Bal Trad, sono già centinaia gli iscritti

L’avvicinamento al festival internazionale di musiche folk, Gran Bal Trad, programmato da lunedì 8 a sabato 13 luglio, è già cominciato. Nella prima giornata di apertura delle iscrizioni, anticipata di un mese rispetto agli scorsi anni, sono arrivate centinaia di iscrizioni dall’Italia e dal resto d’Europa…

News n° 6 – 01/06/2023

News n° 6 – 01/06/2023

The wood of luthiers!

A large part of the Vialfré nature area will be set aside to host the fascinating world of violin making. Bagpipes, accordions, violins, hurdy-gurdies, fifes, flutes, mandolins, guitars… will be exhibited by master lute-makers from the main Italian schools.


Daniele Bicego will be present at this year’s Festival with the project ‘PipeLink – a journey through bagged instruments in Europe’. An exhibition and a conference to explore the evolution of an instrument that is as simple as it is fascinating.

Tre Martelli

For the first time at the Gran Bal Trad the Tre Martelli! A historic group committed to the study, documentation and dissemination of Piedmontese popular culture. The accuracy of the research, the attention paid to the study of the various popular styles and the maturity of the repropositional and creative phase have generated international esteem around the group. Come and hear them in Vialfrè.

News n° 5 – 24/05/2023

News n° 5 – 24/05/2023

Gran Bal Trad is also the Youth Festival!

In fact, admission is free up to the age of 15, and up to the age of 24 there is a reduction of 50%!!!

We also remind you that all those, young and old, who register online, until June 18, will be able to take advantage of a discount of up to 25% on participation in the Festival!

Children's entertainment

Free service provided during the hours of the ateliers and reserved for children from 3 years old, with entertainment, games, dances and activities. In addition, a “sleeping” area is provided for the little ones: a closed structure is made available where parents can let their children sleep and manage the surveillance shifts themselves.

Musical entertainment for children

Brigata Corsara and Marco Volpatto will propose a musical workshop exclusively dedicated to children. During the workshop we work alternating moments with single instrumental groups at the same time (flute, violin, guitar, percussion) with moments of orchestral ensemble. The workshop is free!